How We Can Help

For financial services marketers, the portfolio of offerings is deep and broad. It is also more competitive and open to disruptors. Spanning both B2C and B2B, coupled with a year-round money-minded consumer who is craving independence in their financial decision making, there is a lot of opportunity to level up on the customer experience.

We provide digital media expertise for retail banking, mortgages and loans, financial planning and investing, insurance, and tax service campaign strategies.

Illustration of a person looking at cards ad deciding between option a, b, or c

Understand and Target Your Audience

Your audiences will differ depending on your service offering. Tune into generational consumer needs and behaviours and target accordingly. Take this snapshot into consideration:

Person icon


Composed mostly of millennials, they value using digital tools for their personal finances and expect convenience and faster service for their banking needs. Open to switching financial institutions.

Millennial generation


Know your audience—this generation is least likely to take out a personal loan or mortgage, so don't let your media dollars go to waste.

Hands offering support icon


This banking consumer is the Gen Xer. They value accessing a range of digital services but as their financial needs are complex, they welcome help and support from a financial partner.

Gen Xer


Make them feel at ease with your offerings because Gen Xers exhibit a great deal of stress when it comes to their personal finances and the amount of debt they will carry into retirement.

Shaking hands icon


The baby boomer values building long-term relationships with their financial institutions and access to personal service. They rarely acquire new financial products.

Baby boomer generation

Baby Boomers

With the highest average personal loan balance by generation, they hold the majority of their wealth in their homes and are least likely to take out a new mortgage but most likely to take out a loan to manage personal debt.

Bank on the Financial Journey

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  • When selecting a new financial institution, prospects begin with a search engine query, which drives them to websites and blogs
  • Additional reliance on search and social, as well as word-of-mouth referrals
Chart with arrow going up icon


  • Customers contribute to online forums and prospects seek out similar people to justify research
  • Prospects visit retail bank and credit union websites to learn more about the financial products available
Brain icon

Decision Making

  • After lengthy research, prospects make their decision to choose a financial institution based on range of services available, Terms and Conditions for accounts, as well as lending conditions
  • In this final stage, prospects still rely on online forums and websites, as well as referrals from friends and family
Sheet with a pen on top icon

Sign Up

  • Once the decision has been made, a prospect will begin the process of setting up their financial products with an institution either online, in-person, or over the phone

Attract Attention and Engagement

To research and buy financial products, consumers are using the web, and especially mobile. Designing creative and messaging to fit the device and the audience is paramount to capturing attention and driving engagement.

Example of a display ad for a financial company with text: "Get $3,000 cash back when you move your mortgage to Finative" Get $3,000 cash back when you move your mortgage to Finative Learn More

StackAdapt Spotlight:

Financial Services Strategies

From Our Resources

Create a Digital Strategy Worth Investing In

Pink piggy bank

Whether you're advertising investment opportunities, loans or new account promotions, StackAdapt can help you reach larger audiences with targeted messaging.

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From Our Resources

StackAdapt's Guide to Vertical Targeting


Gain a better understanding of all your targeting options and how best to apply them to your vertical targeting strategy—for the financial services industry and more.

Get Your Copy
Illustrative graphic of people listening to a podcast on various devices, such as phone and laptop

From Our Resources

How Agencies Thrive Podcast

In this episode StackAdapt chats with Rob Assimakopoulos of CIBC on the digital transformation in the financial services and banking industry, and how it has been greatly accelerated in the past few months due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Listen Now

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